{A.A. EVENT} “New Year, Same Simple Program” hosted by YPAA – 1/5/22

On Wednesday, January 5th, 2022 The Ashland Young People of Alcoholics Anonymous (Y.P.A.A.)  is hosting its first fellowship event of the year: “New Year, Same Simple Program

The start of the year is a great time to gather together to celebrate and look forward to the new year. As the big book says, “We aren’t a glum lot…. we absolutely insist on enjoying life.” Come join us!

The event will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church – 44 N. 2nds. St. Ashland OR 97520

  • 6pm Fellowshipping starts
  • 7:10pm YPAA Meeting
  • 8pm Party!

All are welcome.  This A.A. event is free

Any Qs?
Go to the meeting~


WHAT: First Fellowship of the Year, hosted by YPAA
DATE: Wednesday, January 5, 2022
TIME: 6:00pm – 10:00pm 
LOCATION: Trinity Episcopal Church – 44 N. 2nds. St. Ashland OR 97520



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{A.A. EVENT} “New Year, Same Simple Program” hosted by YPAA – 1/5/22
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