{ A.A. Event } ” 27th. Annual Chili Feed” – hosted by District 7 Al-Anon


WHAT: Chili Feed
DATE:  April 12, 2025
TIME: 5:00pm
LOCATION:St. Vincent de Paul ( Medford )


Adults $8.00  –  Children under 12 Free


This is an Al-Anon Event with AA participation

Speakers from each fellowship

Adults $8.00  –  Children under 12 Free

This is a family affair including

Dinner will include:

Meat & Veggie Chili

Salad, Corn Bread, & Desserts

Chili Feed 2025 1 sheet district

Event Flyer



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{ A.A. Event } ” 27th. Annual Chili Feed” – hosted by District 7 Al-Anon
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